Counselling Agreement

This information is in line with the recommendations of British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP, 2013) and aims to cover most of the practical questions that may arise during the course of our work together.

Counselling Sessions are held regularly on the same day/evening, and at the same time every week. Regular committed attendance, by client and counsellor, is found to be most helpful in their relationship and for the therapy.The whole 50 minute session belongs to you. If you were to come part way through your allotted time I would normally see you for the remainder of that session only.

Within this structure, the length of the counselling is open-ended; it is up to you when you wish to finish counselling. As it progresses we can review from time to time how you feel about the counselling process. Are you benefiting in the way you wish? What do you still need to focus on? You may wish then to have an end date in mind and work towards an ending. I encourage having a proper ending of the counselling and working towards it on a weekly basis..

Counsellor- Client Contact

Initial contact is made by phone or email. It is important that prospective clients makes contact themselves as I can’t arrange an Assessment via a third party.

If I am unable to come to the phone please leave your details and I will call you as soon as possible, usually within 24 hours. I appreciate an initial phone conversation may be difficult, in which case please make contact by email. However, following this, I like to have a brief phone conversation with you before arranging to meet for an initial ‘assessment session’ where we can clarify any queries you may have and see if counselling is appropriate for you at this point.


I keep space just for you, so if you cancel at the last minute or don’t show up for a booked session I can’t make any other use of your time. If you cancel and we can’t find an alternative time together in the same week you would need to pay me for the missed session when we next meet.

In the case of unforeseen late cancellations Student counsellors, whose course necessitates 40 hours counselling experience, are exempt and will normally continue with their session the following week with no charge being made for the missed session.

One week’s notice is requested for holidays and no charge made for the missed session.


If you are unwell please do ring or email me as soon as possible and cancel your session. I hope you will then rest and look after yourself. I don’t charge for the missed session if you are ill.

I will give you as much notice as possible if I am unable to make a session through illness too and will try to offer you an alternative time.

Re Covid19

*In order to protect yourself and others please keep up to date with jabs and boosters as is my own practice

*Windows are open during your session allowing fresh air to circulate the counselling room.

*Masks are not required during the session, although you may choose to wear one in the hall on arrival and when leaving.

*The room is cleaned between sessions.         (continued)

*Antibacterial gel is provided for use on entry and leaving.

*If you have been in contact with someone who has tested Covid positive please do a Lateral Flow Test prior to your session.

*Please bring a bottle of water if you wish as it is not provided.

*Please respect the no drinks/drugs policy prior to each session.

Thank you.

Counselling Supervision

I take my work to Supervision and make brief notes after our session. These are anonymous and stored securely. Your counselling sessions are confidential with these exceptions:

  1. 1)Where you as a client give written consent to disclose information.

  2. 2)Where I believe you or another person are in serious danger.

  3. 3)Where I am compelled by a court of law.

Current Fees are as follows (September 2023)

*Individual counselling session: £45.00  (Block booking available: 6 sessions for reduced rate of £225)

*Concessions: Low income and Counselling Students in Training reduced to £40

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