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Is counselling right for me?

The fact that you are considering counselling indicates you are experiencing a discomfort with your situation from which you are actively seeking changes and stress relief. Previous lack of information, feeling judged negatively by others, feeling anxious about the unknown may have stopped you from taking action. Perhaps the idea of talking openly about private matters has previously held you back. You might have feared being told what to do and it made you feel vulnerable. Does the idea of seeing a counsellor confirm your doubts about yourself? Have you felt overwhelmed?

Be assured that seeing a counsellor is a common practice and it can provide a much-needed safety net when other approaches are exhausted. Friends and relatives provide a different type of support and you may wish not to worry them and to retain privacy if they are the subject under discussion.There are many benefits to be gained from being given a chance to talk exclusively about yourself with someone who is unbiased, to recognise that you are ‘normal,’ and ‘ok,’ to have the opportunity to express yourself and your feelings and gain a sense of perspective and of peace.

As a professionally trained counsellor I am here for you and have your best interests at heart. It is a unique relationship encouraging trust and the willingness to be honest. I make no expectations or demands of you. Counselling is essentially private and confidential and a first meeting or Assessment can help allay any doubts you may have about the process. If you come along to an Assessment we will meet and explore whether counselling is the right thing for you at this time.You may wish to meet several counsellors and in your own time make a decision on who is the right one for you before making a commitment. If we both agree then counselling can go ahead.

Should you decide to make contact a brief phone call this alone can make the process feel real and at this point you may feel relief at having taken a positive step for yourself. When we meet it is an opportunity to air any questions and you will gain a clearer picture of what is entailed. In essence it is an opportunity to share and explore aspects of yourself and your life that you may have been dealing with alone or with little support up to now.

The counselling process is unique as there is no expectation, judgement or need to impress. It is a constructive and empowering time out from your life where you can gain more understanding of yourself and your relationships in your own time and on your own terms. As a regular, weekly commitment it will help provide a reliable structure to your life.

(See Counselling Agreement, Assessment)